Boosting Amway's Online Sales by 187.5%: How UXArmy Enhanced Visitor Conversions

Multi-language Qualitative User Research | Quantitative User Research | Online surveys | In-depth interviews | User Testing tools
Case Summary


American multi-level marketing company to improve user engagement in Southeast Asian market

Case Summary


Research, Design

Case Summary

Client Goal

Create an improved online user experience and increase online sales and user engagement through deeper understanding of users’pain points

"Amway Malaysia was looking at enhancing our business owners' digital experience with a new website, and had commissioned this key project to UX Army as our User Experience research consultant. This project involves a complexity of multiple stakeholders and vendors from across the regions, functions and levels. UX Army has prove their agility to work with various functions and always proactively listen and responds in accordance to their clients' interests. They are truly advocates of better user experience (UX)."


Amway Malaysia has spent the last 47 years helping people live better and healthier lives with its wide range of products. Its dedication to improving well-being has earned it a solid reputation and made a real difference for countless individuals. However, they struggled with one issue - their customers preferred purchasing their products directly from stores rather than their website.

It was clear their website needed more than just a brand refresh—it needed a complete overhaul based on in-depth insights. They knew they had to dig deep to figure out what wasn’t working, but pinpointing these critical areas was no easy task, especially because their audience was spread all across Malaysia, even in some remote areas where fulfillment of online orders involved logistical nightmares.

Moreover several undiscovered human factors impacted both engagement and sales that they hadn't even realized. To turn things around and create a user-centric website, they required a UX research plan which could identify pain points of their customers.

Creating a website design that addresses user pain points

Amway Malaysia knew their website and app were suffering from low engagement, but the big question was Why? Were users getting lost in confusing navigation? Was the site taking forever to load? Or was the mobile experience just not at par compared to the desktop version?

Throwing money at one specific area would have been guesswork and might not solve the problem until they pinpointed the real causes behind the dismal share of revenue from online Sales. The small basket size in online orders was also a concern. Instead of making rushed decisions, they needed a clear understanding of user behavior and what drives those behaviors. Usability testing could help the IT and marketing teams watch how users interacted with the site and spot areas of confusion but understanding the buying behavior of their customers was urgently needed. They also wanted to hear directly from users to discover problems faced in using the website ordering before making any major changes.

Getting a detailed understanding of their customers, was a big challenge, especially when the customer base was massively diverse. The in-house teams also had their natural bias and the process of collecting and analyzing feedback from across numerous user segments was going to be time-consuming

UXArmy’s Three-Step Approach to Redefine User Experience

That's where UXArmy stepped in with our three-step approach to identify the real issues behind the challenges. UXArmy did this before recommending to make any website changes. Here’s what the research team at UXArmy did:

1. Conducted an Online Website Survey to Identify Challenges

We kicked things off with an extensive online survey targeting their 200,000+ audience. The survey was crafted to align perfectly with the known pain points we had discussed with the client team. To make it engaging, we encouraged the customers to upload images of the website highlighting the exact problems they encountered.

The response was fantastic—we received close to 31%response rate to the survey, giving us a golden opportunity to analyze and understand the first level of website problems.

2. Designed a User Research Plan

The excellent survey response gave us additional insights into pain points that needed further validation through user research. This plan included a variety of research methodologies such as in-depth interviews, usability testing, and behavioral analytics.

We carefully determined a representative sample size to ensure our qualitative findings would be reflective of the diverse user base. We also developed realistic scenarios for user studies reflecting the real-world customer interactions as closely as possible.

Our research involved interviews with existing customers to deeply understand their pain points with online purchases. These conversations allowed us to uncover the specific frustrations and needs of users, providing valuable qualitative insights. Along with interviews, we watched session recordings to see how users navigated the site in real-time. This allowed us to spot the exact moments and reasons why users were leaving or deciding to purchase from physical stores. By observing their behavior, we identified the key obstacles and frustrations they faced online.

With participants from various backgrounds and regions, all of which were Amway’s existing customers, we were able to gather a wide range of insights with ease, ensuring we captured the experiences and needs of different users.

Using these firsthand insights, we crafted suggestions that directly addressed these website issues. Our goal was to make meaningful improvements that would boost user engagement and satisfaction. This user research plan gave us a solid foundation and action points to create a website that truly connects with its audience.

3. Transforming insights into action

With the rich quantitative and qualitative data we collected, we were fully equipped to help redesign the website and boost online user engagement. Our team presented the results and recommendations to the company’s executive committee, who entrusted us with further research and design guidance.

Collaborative Redesign

During the website and app redesign, our team collaborated closely with the client’s design vendor to ensure that the new user insights were carefully integrated into the user experience. We reimagined the information architecture to make key user journeys seamless and intuitive, aligning them with users’ mindsets and behaviors.

Key Changes Implemented

During our research users complained a lot about disconnect with ground realities specific to each region in Malaysia, inaccurate product information, confusing navigations, slow data updates, and cluttered mobile experience. Based on that we implemented the following changes:

  • Simplified the site’s navigation to reflect the customers’ mental model in purchasing Amway products
  • Optimized the website’s performance to reduce load times and deliver a smoother and more enjoyable experience
  • Enhanced the mobile experience to match the quality of the desktop version
  • Improved user journeys and CTAs to guide users effortlessly towards making purchase and receiving deliveries, signing up, or finding product and delivery tracking information.
  • Updated and organized content to be more relevant and engaging
Changes verified with customers

After the changes were implemented, we evaluated the new website with the customers to measure the positive impact thus created. Website improvements which needed further minor tweaks in the Design were communicated to the Design and software vendors thus saving costs of rework after the launch of the new website.

The boost in online purchases

The collective efforts of UXArmy’s team and the client’s team resulted in a remarkable surge in online purchases. The revenue share of online sales went from 8% to 23% which was a whopping increase of 187.5%. Together, we designed a user-friendly website and app that encouraged more users to explore products and confidently click the "Buy now" button instead of leaving. Our seven-month collaborative journey with the client was focused on creating an optimized user experience for all customer segments and devices. Here are the key achievements:

  • Increased Engagement and Revenue: Simplified user flows resulted in a substantial uptick in engagement, with users spending more time interacting with the website and app.
  • Enhanced Marketing Efficiency: Our UX recommendations streamlined the marketing process, significantly improving product visibility and appeal to prospects across Southeast Asia
  • Cost Savings and Efficiency: The redesign contributed to improved operational efficiency, notably reducing logistics costs and streamlining online channel management
  • Deeper User Understanding Insights: The project greatly enhanced the organization’s understanding of user behaviors and preferences, providing valuable insights that informed future strategies

Make your websites user-centric with UXArmy

Thinking about giving your website a makeover? Hold on a second before diving in! Instead of making quick fixes, why not start by uncovering the real pain points your users are facing? Let us help you get those crucial firsthand insights.

With a clear understanding of what’s actually causing frustration, we can guide you in making intelligent, impactful changes that will genuinely enhance your website and app. We use a mix of interviews, session recordings, and our diverse panel of participants to uncover what’s really going wrong. This way, your investment won’t just be about a fresh look but about creating a user experience that genuinely works for your audience. Ready to make your redesign count?

Elevate your UX research with expert guidance.

Schedule a free consultation to learn more.

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