Creating a website backed by UX research

Multi-language Qualitative User Research | Quantitative User Research | Online surveys | In-depth interviews | User Testing tools
Case Summary


American multi-level marketing company to improve user engagement in Southeast Asian market

Case Summary


Research, Design

Case Summary

Client Goal

Create an improved online user experience and increase online sales and user engagement through deeper understanding of users’pain points

"Amway Malaysia was looking at enhancing our business owners' digital experience with a new website, and had commissioned this key project to UX Army as our User Experience research consultant. This project involves a complexity of multiple stakeholders and vendors from across the regions, functions and levels. UX Army has prove their agility to work with various functions and always proactively listen and responds in accordance to their clients' interests. They are truly advocates of better user experience (UX)."


This client’s website UX was under internal scrutiny as a result of multiple users’ feedback and overall lower online engagement. It was clear that the website experience needed improvement, but the client struggled to clearly identify areas of top priority.

To efficiently deploy development resources, it was critical to discover and define user pain points and prioritize user experience problems. Without clear user insights, however, prioritization was impossible. To add complexity, it was possible that additional user problems had not already been flagged. The team clearly saw the need to upgrade the website, the required upgrade was beyond the visual signature.

To discover more about its users and be sure about their pain points, the client tapped UXArmy’s team to design and execute a user research plan and guide their team through until the new website design was ready to implement and user validated.

Services used by client:

  • Design and execution of qualitative and quantitative user research
  • Creation and deployment of online surveys to confirm findings
  • Data analysis to derive Insights on user pain points

How did UXArmy do it?

The stakes were high for this company to seize its opportunity in the SEA market. With a large pool of existing users spread across multiple countries, it was entirely possible to miss important insights--and risky, of course, to do so. To engage as much participation as possible, UXArmy suggested the client conduct an initial online survey. This step ensured that a broad range of users were reachable and empowered to provide feedback on the website. To improve feedback quality, UXArmy suggested users upload website images describing the exact problems they encountered. With complete alignment with the client teams and known pain points, the UXArmy team developed and conducted this online survey with over an audience of 200k.

Survey findings highlighted additional pain points, which then required confirmation via user research. UXArmy’s team then designed the user study plan, including user research methodologies, representative sample size, and scenarios for user studies, all of which were defined and reviewed with the client.

Research findings uncovered users’ pain points as well as a the gulf of expectations for different tiers of users, from novice to experts. After conducting the research, which included interviews as well as video recordings of screens and users’ voices, UXArmy synthesized results from all findings to make confident, prioritized user-centric recommendations for the client’s new website design.

The UXArmy team presented results and recommendations to the company’s executive committee, which then entrusted us with further research and design guidance.

During the website and app redesign, our team worked closely with the client’s design vendor to ensure that the new user insights were carefully incorporated into the new interaction experience. The new information architecture ensured key user journeys were frictionless and defined using the users’ mindset.

During design, the website and app concept underwent significant changes due to proposed improvements. UXArmy then created and executed comparative user research of the new and existing design.

How did it go?

The Result

Our engagement resulted in a user-friendly website and app that successfully drove more users switch to online purchase and facilitated better marketing of products to prospects.

  • Simplified user flows created higher engagement with website and app users
  • UX recommendations facilitated efficient marketing of products to prospects in Southeast Asia
  • Cost Savings and improved efficiency due to lesser logistics in online channels
  • Organisation wide improved understanding of user behaviours and preferences

UXArmy collaboratively worked with the client and their vendors for over 4 months, performing additional UX research and guiding the design team to creation of a User Experience optimized for all user segments and devices.

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